Monday, April 5, 2010

Day at the Park

Daddy is teaching me how to cut the grass with my bubble mower
Mommy and I take a little ride on the see-saw

I love to swing- weeee

I'll be a good as daddy one day!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Surprise

Can you believe the Easter bunny brought all this?!
I had to check this all out

Oooh, a Brobee kite!

I want some of this candy

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Dying Easter Eggs

I got to color Easter eggs for the forst time! I had to listen to Guh very carefully!
Ooh mommy, so that's how you do it!

Ok, so we do it like this

Cool, I did it!

Next, I decorated them

This was so fun!

"Ta dah" my first Easter Egg!

Easter Fun

We stopped to see the Easter Bunny~ I wasn't to happy about that!

We had an Easter egg hunt at Oma's house-
I wasn't to sure of what to do with all of these eggs.

Hey, I found one!

Come on mom, here's another

Wow, this was cool!