Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dorney Park

Some of my aunties and uncles came with us to Dorney Park
I loved watching all the rides

Daddy and I couldn't wait to get to the next ride

I LOVED this one!

We had a good day

Friday, July 24, 2009

Daddy's Birthday

Daddy and I are posing for pictures before we took him out to dinner

Daddy, mommy, Auntie Jamie and I take a quick pic together

Woah did you see that?!
We took daddy to a hibatchi resturant~ I was so amazed!

Daddy thought it was exciting too!

They even brought him a birthday cake- I wanted to taste it!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Visiting G-ma's

My Auntie Amber couldn't stop kissing me up!

I had a good time exploring the grass

G-ma Donna got me these silly shades

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fun in the tub

I like taking baths in the big tub!
My grandma bought me this cool tub turtle

I'm swimming- there's so much room I can do some laps!

I'm ready to get out now.

I love taking baths, and now that I can crawl I love swimming. Mommy and daddy say I swim like a lizard!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July

We spent our 4th of July at Camelbeach. In this picture I was actually praying that it would get warmer!
After a while the water got warm and I had a great time.

I didn't even really want to get out!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Mess Maker

I was keeping myself busy while mommy washed the dishes- as you can see by the mess I've done this before!

Standing big

I was supposed to be taking a nap-- mommy caught me!

Hey, I can stand up!

You know I had to taste it