Saturday, April 18, 2009

Cool Ride

I found this cool ride at my friends 1st birthday party.
Mommy and daddy can't believe that I'm getting so big!

Yeah, this is fun

Sunday, April 12, 2009

1st Easter

Look what I got in my Easter basketball Basket!
Books, toys, stuffed animals... even some chocolate for mommy and daddy!
I like this bunny, he sings to me.

I couldn't even wait for someone to open them, I just wanted to play with them all!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Just like daddy

Mommy says I'm just like daddy-- a remote stealer! I don't watch too much TV but I love the remote controls.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

6 months photo shoot

Here is mommy's favorite picture of me~ it shows my happy personality!!
Sooooo cute

Walking with mom and dad

Just like daddy

I was tired of pictures by this point!


Daddy and I were looking at funny videos on the computer and this song just made me dance!!

(Sorry it's sidways)

Not my favorite

I'm trying lots of new foods!

Today, mommy made me peas

Yuck... not my favorite!!!