Monday, March 23, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Fun in the car

We were sitting in the car and I got so excited when daddy put the window down I just couldn't stop the drool!
I love the fresh air!

Hey mom, I see you!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

A day at the park

Mommy and daddy were excited to take me to the park for the first time. I like the swings- even though I don't look like it in this picture!
There were so many things to look at and explore!

Daddy was even practicing our little trick!

I was starting to get a little sleepy

So daddy said it was time to go.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Reading with mom

There were lots of bright pictures in the magazine, I liked looking at it with mommy
Mommy was reading an article to me from the baby magazine

I think I just want to eat it!

On my own

Daddy and I were hanging out on the couch talking- he couldn't get over me sitting up on my own.
"I hear what your saying daddy, but I can sit up"

Told ya I could sit up on my own!

Cereal~ Yeah!

Mommy and daddy FINALLY gave me rice cereal!


It was so good I wanted to eat the bowl! Even my cousin Loah wanted some!

Let me help you

WOW, that was good!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Waiting for mom

Daddy and I were waiting in the car for mom, and he thought this would be a perfect opportunity to teach me to drive!